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SEO查询: 爱站网 站长工具




所在地 : 江苏,南京

重点学科 : 0个

类别 : 工科

硕士点数 : 0个

隶属 : 江苏省教育厅

博士点数 : -


地址 : 江苏省南京市浦口区珍珠南路65号

电话 : 025-68533016


地址 : 江苏省南京市鼓楼区建宁路65号

电话 : 025-85838638


学校办学历史悠久。前身是创建于1941年的南京特别市立第一职业中学,1953年,黄炎培先生创办的中华职业学校(时名为上海轻工业学校)商科并入我校,1955年起更名为南京铁路运输学校,长期隶属铁道部管理。2002年学校升格为高等职业技术学院,更名为南京铁道职业技术学院,2004年成建制由铁道部划转江苏省地方管理。建校80年来,始终坚守 ;职教报国、立德树人、追求卓越 ;的初心使命,传承教育救国、现代职教、铁路行业三种禀赋,坚持 ;走合作办学之路,与中国铁路同行 ;的办学理念,致力培养 ;具有家国情怀、工匠精神、铁路基因的兴路强国时代新人 ;,为行业和区域经济发展培养了10万余名高素质技术技能人才,被誉为铁路 ;黄埔军校 ;。

学校办学条件优质。现有浦口和建宁路两个校区,占地面积1146亩,总建筑面积40.2万平方米,全日制在校生10337人,教职工604人,设有运输管理学院、通信信号学院、机车车辆学院、供电与工程学院、财经与物流管理学院、建筑与艺术设计学院、智能工程学院等,开办专业36个,构建了以轨道交通专业为优势和特色的专业群体系,其中国家 ;双高 ;建设专业群1个(铁道交通运营管理专业群),轨道交通类专业行业领先,会计、艺术设计等地方专业省内一流。建有全国唯一、连接铁路正线、列车开进校园的高铁实训基地,集成高铁六大系统,全真高铁设备,技术与现场同步,实训条件全国一流,成为 ;江苏铁路人才培训基地 ;、中国铁路总公司定点培训单位、欧亚交通高校国际联合会国际化人才培养基地。

学校办学实力行业领先。在行业学会、行指委等组织中担任主任、副主任,牵头铁道运输类专业升级及数字化改造,牵头研制教育部铁道交通运营管理专业企业生产实际教学案例库、专业教学标准、顶岗实习标准、实训教学条件建设标准,引领行业院校铁道类专业建设。省级以上重点专业、行业名师、全国铁路行业技能大赛一等奖、国家规划教材同类院校领先。建有全国首家 ;地铁学院 ;。建有全国首个 ;铁路文化研究中心 ;、江苏铁路教育馆等,是全国铁路科普教育基地、江苏省爱国主义教育基地。

学校坚持以高水平党建引领事业发展。学校党委切实履行管党治党主体责任、办学治校主体责任,坚持全面加强党的建设,全校共有9个党总支、7个直属党支部、31个党支部,现有党员620名(含在职教职工党员、离退休党员、学生党员)。学校党建成果突出,先后获得江苏省高等学校先进基层党组织、江苏省学习型党组织建设工作先进单位、江苏省高校思政工作先进集体等荣誉;1个党总支、1个党支部分别入选教育部全国党建工作 ;标杆院系 ;、 ;样板支部 ;,党支部工作案例入选全国党员教育培训教材;学校纪委3次蝉联省纪委年度综合考核第一等次;学校团委当选全国铁道团指委副主任单位;马克思主义学院连续2次入选江苏省示范马克思主义学院;学校连续多年获评江苏省文明校园。

学校人才培养成效显著。在国家级教学成果奖、全国职业院校技能大赛教学能力大赛、国家专业教学资源库、教育部现代学徒制试点、1+X证书制度试点等方面不断突破,涌现出全国教学能力大赛一等奖获得者、全国高校思想政治理论课教学展示活动二等奖、江苏省优秀教师等先进典型;学生综合素质高,近五年,在省级以上各类竞赛中累计获奖500多人次,特别是在全国职业院校技能大赛、全国大学生数学建模竞赛、全国大学生电子设计竞赛、中国国际 ;互联网+ ;大学生创新创业大赛、 ;挑战杯 ;全国职业学校创新创效创业大赛以及各类文体竞赛中摘金夺银、成绩突出,青年志愿服务品牌受到团中央和团省委表彰10余次。涌现出全国铁路劳模、 ;火车头奖章 ;获得者、全国和全路向上向善好青年等一大批优秀毕业生典型。

学校国际合作引领行业院校。牵头搭建中国 ;一带一路 ;,订单招收培养沿线国家留学生,在埃及、老挝挂牌成立铁路海外培训基地,与北京交通大学共同承担商务部援外培训项目 ;一带一路 ;轨道交通专业人才培养研究、共同开展蒙内铁路职业岗位人员培训、合作编写全英文培训教材,服务中国铁路走出去。

学校社会声誉卓越。招生就业两旺,录取分数线连续8年名列江苏省高职院校第一。毕业生就业竞争力强、发展潜力大、企业满意度高,毕业生就业率平均保持在96%以上,毕业生3/4左右在大型国有企业就业,就业竞争力和半年后薪酬水平连续多年位居全省高职院校前三名,用人单位满意度保持在95%以上,是考生和家长最为心仪的高职院校之一,毕业生成为铁路企业用人单位的首选。学校服务江苏轨道交通发展不可替代,服务 ;长三角一体化 ;战略作用日益凸显,服务 ;一带一路 ;倡议优势独特,不断推动卓越新南铁建设,致力为现代化铁路强国建设和江苏 ;争当表率,争做示范,走在前列 ;贡献力量!

Introduction to Nanjing Vocational Institute of Railway Technology (NVIRT)

Nanjing Vocational Institute of Railway Technology (NVIRT) is a full-time public regular institution of higher learning (junior college) under provincial jurisdiction approved by the People ;empowering the students with moral, dedicating to the rail cause and serving for the community ; in the historic perspective. The hardship and struggle have led to excellent traditions and rich rail campus in addition to its output of quality skilled graduates, which has thus been highly acclaimed by the society. NVIRT has opened a new chapter since its upgrade to the college. She has shown outstanding performance in the 1stappraisal of higher occupational or junior college training by the Ministry of Education, as a model junior college at the provincial level. The new campus in Pukou was initiated and new innovative training system was commenced. Strategic cooperation with the industry or regional large company has been entered for tailor-made training. High level practice platform combining industry and teaching has been set up and co-training with other higher learning institutions has been forwarded. The student entrepreneurship or sci-tech industrial park co-sponsored with the government agencies and companies have been built to remodel in a way of integrated learning so as to enhance the training. NVIRT has been rewarded as ;one of the top 50 service contributors of junior college ;, ;one of top 50 with international impact ;, ;advanced entity in occupational training at provincial level ;, ;civilized campus at provincial level ;, or ;advanced entity in graduate employment at provincial level ;. Her enrollment marks have been at the top for 7 consecutive years and her graduates have ranked at the top 3 in job competitiveness for 6 consecutive years. NVIRT has been listed as an excellent higher learning occupational college by the Ministry of Education and selected as a high level junior occupational college with characteristics and various disciplines.

The institute has seven secondary schools, namely the School of Transportation Management, the School of Communication and Signaling, the School of Rolling Stock and Vehicles, the School of Power Supply and Engineering, the School of Finance and Logistics Management, the School of Intelligent Engineering, the School of Architecture, Art and Design. There are six teaching departments, e.g. the School of Marxist and the School of International Education. It has opened majors in Rail transport operation management, Railway signal auto-control,EMU Maintenance Technology,PowerSupply Technology,Marketing, Computer application technology, Construction engineering technology for the rail transit industry and the regional economy.

With the new target of ;New NVIRT with Chinese Characteristics and world level ; defined by new Party Commission, NVIRT, having its base in Jiangsu, will make great effort in emancipating minds, deepening reform, highly implementing college ;Double High ; construction, which has been orientating to Jiangsu, facing China, serving the industry of railway and urban rail transit, aiming at the regional economy, and focusing on the main task of cultivating students by strengthening their moral education, so as to cultivate high-quality skilled talents with patriotism, craftsman spirit and rail gene, those of whom will make contribution to better serve transportation strategy, the Belt and Road initiative, and the constriction for ;New Jiangsu on railway ;.